Ready, teddy go...

The 'Jump for Joy' is back at St. Oswin's Church in Wylam on May 12. Teddies will take the leap of faith by parachuting off the church tower and reaching the ground the slowest to win prizes for their owners.

The event, which starts at noon and runs until 4 p.m. on the church grounds, has been running for several years and raises money for the community.

The Sunshine Panners Steel Band and the Choirs of Ovingham and Wylam First Schools will provide music on the day. There will also be an obstacle course, coconut shy, face painting, a BBQ, and lots more.

Revd Tom Birch said: “The love of God can be shown in many ways.  At Jump for Joy, some of the ways we express this love is in a Barbeque, in a steel pan band, and in parachuting teddy bears.  All people of all ages are encouraged if they can to come and join in the fun.”

“The teddy bear drop is mainly for fun, but there is a competitive aspect with prizes for the slowest descents.  I’m well aware that many “children’s” entries are ringers for fathers taking the whole thing a bit too seriously, a sin which I confess I have previously been inclined to commit.”

“Teddy bears do jump at their own risk, and occasionally bears get blown further than expected, stuck in trees or lost.  It's probably best not to use your most beloved teddy bear.  A previous year, I had a worried father on my doorstep later in the evening asking if we’d found his daughter’s bear because she couldn’t sleep without it!”